

The Muslim Post Featured Fatma Sevildi

The Muslim Post, the respected newspaper of Muslims in England, published an interview with fashion designer Fatma Sevildi. Sevildi, who sincerely answered all questions, from the fabrics she preferred to the frequently asked questions about Turkey, became the first Turk to be featured in The Müslim Post. You can find the entire interview in Turkish and English below…

The Muslim Post newspaper gave wide coverage to fashion designer Fatma Sevildi with an interview prepared by Tawfiqa Abdul Wahid on May 4, 2012.

The Muslim Post newspaper gave wide coverage to fashion designer Fatma Sevildi with an interview prepared by Tawfiqa Abdul Wahid on May 4, 2012.

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Zaman Gazetesi 2012 01 21

Zaman’s Interview with Fatma Sevildi

Zaman Newspaper covered fashion designer Fatma Sevildi in detail in its Friday supplement, including her exquisite designs.

You can read the entire interview prepared by Esra Keskin Demir online by clicking here.

Zaman Newspaper covered fashion designer Fatma Sevildi in detail in its Friday supplement, including her exquisite designs. The interview news prepared by Esra Keskin Demir was also published online at (January 21, 2012).

Zaman Newspaper covered fashion designer Fatma Sevildi in detail in its Friday supplement, including her exquisite designs. The interview news prepared by Esra Keskin Demir was also published online at (January 21, 2012).